This Chinese Symbol represents the Cannabis Sativa Plant. Pronounced Ma this plant has a history with mankind since the beginning of notable human evolution upwards of 10,000 years. This character explains the drying branches of the Cannabis Sativa Hemp Plant. It is said that drying the flowers held upside down they will benefit from gravity pulling the most Tetra Hydra Cannibanol to its intoxicating flowers.This evidence proves to me that the Chinese culture have respected Cannabis as a Medicine and social activity. We as a collective humanity have cultivated Her seed for food and oil, Her bast for fiber used in twine and rope, Her stalk for pulp for paper and building materials, Her flowers for medicine and Her biannualcrop possibility entices us now with the opportunity to capitalize on for Her generous bounty.She plays a key role in at least 50,000 products. Not to mention the groundworks for research for many other unchartered uses. This resilient plant has most recently been recognized as possessing medicinal qualities for terminally ill, glaucoma, and AIDS patients it helps them with their appetite and mood. She has been respected in Chinese culture as an earthly way to remedy menstrual cramps, nausea, headaches, and stress. She is respected as a sacrament by children of God. She indeed has contributed to some of the greatest controversy in the culture of our world through time and in our present. We must all recognize the conspiracy that pushed Her away from our culture and realize the conspiracy that will eventually bring Her back. "She was God given but Governments prohibit us from Cannabis." Johnny.
In 1938, a year after the passing of the Marihuana Tax Act. The Cannabis Sativa family of plants seemed to have promise as Americas' newest Billion Dollar cash crop. Cannabis Sativa Hemp and its promise would be stifled due to its versatility. The perceived competition it would present to major industry leaders threatened their extravagant livelihoods and the stronghold their big money presented in American politics. Those outside of the influence of propaganda toward Hemp respected its vast benefits not only to economy but to its versatility as a renewable resource. It was not seen in this light by leaders of the then infant War on drugs or those who profited in the industries of cotton, paper and fossil fuels. Its leaders to opposition could be found among our big business leaders and their powerful lobby in Washington would soon successfully apply a stranglehold suffocating a crop which has not been able to achieve a glimpse of its potential as a viable textile for the American farmer. Companies beginning with Dupont chemical, leaders in the textiles industry and especially William Randolf Hearst himself had ill will to this very versatile plant due to innovations in production of raw hemp into an estimated 50,000 household products and it providing major competition to their interests in said industries.
Popular Mechanics reported in February of 1938 that hemp and newly engineered machines would soon guide the American textile industry to be the leader in the world for producing Hemp textiles. At this time worldwide Hemp was the most widely used fabric, underpaid coolie and peasant workers were what made this the case. The blossoming American industry built on Hemp was reaching its pinnacle due to new machinery which took most of the tedious aspects of the plant to fabric process out of human hands and into industry. Fine silk blends, Ships sails, canvas, and twine, Hemps varied textures mixed with its natural qualities of durability threatened not only a standardized, subsidized cotton industry but a paper industry which both had ties to a booming chemical industry of America. At this time new innovations in chemical based fertilizers, pesticides, and abrasives used to break down wood pulp to paper, married these industries together. Their influence in Washington coupled with the ability of the Newspapers of William Hearst, whom coincidentally owned vast forest lands in the northeast he was cashing in on in addition to media empire, to make their competition disappear. Even with its illegal status its Hemp has managed to not only stay in the eye of the American media but respected as a logical environment friendly alternative to soil depleting standards used with conventional cotton and wood pulp papers productions.
Cannabis Sativa Hemp L. even with its state of legality grew in the 1990's to be a Billion dollar cash crop worldwide due primarily to a subculture of America supporting an again budding industry with the power of purchase. We have seen its fiber in clothing; twine, shoes, shirts, bedding, with its organic nature, short growing season, and ability to be cultivated in all 50 states it is an entrepreneurs dream. Hemp is the longest and strongest natural fiber, a solution to global warming with mainstream support and yet what leaves it on the wings is an unjust interpretation of its sister plant that is corrupting the youth of today by leaving those whom use its intoxicating flowers as criminals fueled with lust to commit other crimes. Marijuana is respected as the gateway drug while tobacco and alcohol get the support of our government because they are easily controlled and taxed. The first Levi denim pants were Hemp canvas. Which has since change to an inferior cotton version of the same style in order to insure repeat customers more frequently. Durability equates to less profit in our consumer driven economy.
In December of 1941 two major events happened, Henry Ford unveiled his 12 years of research and dream to “grow automobiles from the soil” using technology similar to what we see in the Saturn automobile line of today. He was ahead of his time not only creating plastics from natural and synthetic methods that were reported to be 10 times as resilient as steel he used Carbon Dioxide burning Methanol to fuel his car of the future. December 7 the Japanese bombed Pearl harbor, America and more importantly to this case Henry Fords interests were propelled into the war effort. In the case of Ford he supplied autos to both sides of the war effort so when it all came to a head with the signing of the Marshall Plan the focus of the Ford motor company shifted from cars from the soil to supplying a now very wealthy middle class with autos that fit their needs in America with conventional means.
With my eye on the past I think one of the most destructive technology that has changed our recent history is the evolution of our textile industry. Once a simple concept of products of the earth. Now a conglomeration of subsidized farmers and chemical companies; who provide manmade pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and fertilizers to said farmers; whose association is bleeding toxic, disease causing elements into the groundwater we all drink everyday. The innovative spirit of America has defined a new world to live in, yet the main stumbling block we have reached is the necessity to refine our publics support toward desecrating, earth polluting products. Some of these polluting products are seemingly the obvious choice as a consumer due to either their affordable retail price or ignorance to a better option. The uninformed consumer never takes into consideration that either subsidies or slave labor has attributed to the affordability of most of the seemingly cheap textile products they purchase. T-Shirts, Jeans, bath towels, bedding, among others all are seemingly harmless purchases but with the observation of how that product arrived at the retail outlet at such a low price, the price is a lot more than what you spend in dollars and sense. With the tax dollar of Joe American tax payer, not only do we support a government that does not necessarily practice a “People for People America” conscientiously. We also participate in the funding of the underbelly of American Politics; Corporate control of the American right. From our tax dollar cotton subsidies amount to almost $4 billion which is portioned to about 25,000 American Cotton farmers a year. An estimated $230 per acre is given to these farmers to insure the lowest price in this competitive world market for cotton textiles. Without going great detail this is simply making third world producers of cotton starve from the ground up. All the money they have goes into this crop because it is what they know how to grow and manufacture but due to the American system they can no longer compete or break even with their crops with the plummeting price of American Cotton.
The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 basically was the foundation to ludicrous laws that keep Cannabis Sativa Hemp L. a virtually THC (Tetra hydra cannibanol- the Psychoactive subsatance found in Marijuana) free strand of the Cannabis family illegal to cultivate in the United States. Although it is said that smoking a whole field of Industrial strand Hemp could not intoxicate one looking for the medicinal, or recreation purposes of Marijuana's intoxicating flowers. The benefits far out weigh its potential destruction of youth because the American youth of today already spends more money on Marijuana than ever before(the price of gold on the street for high grade Canadian Marijuana in upwards of $300 and ounce), enough money to have Forbes magazine in its November 10, 2003 edition detail the blossoming number one cash crop of Canada being high grade Marijuana. Smuggled across its open border to America, this Billion dollar business seems more important to black list in the eyes of Media moguls than possibly solving some of the most prevalent environmental issues our world has ever seen.
I initially thought Organic Cotton (grown without the use of synthetic pesticides and herbicides) compared to the destructive force of Cotton and the subsidies programs of America was the concept I would initially tackle in this evaluation. All of my initial research steered me to Cannabis Sativa Hemp L. as a much more dynamic ultimatum toward reorganizing an environment friendly textiles industry. I realize I have barely scratched the surface in this broad subject. I've gained strength in conviction toward Hemp. Uncovering and extrapolating solution driven literature toward the industrialization of Industrial Hemp is the most valuable lesson I've evaluated inside myself. I hold true to beliefs that my goal in helping create more social awareness to Hemp as a mainstay of my lifes quest. My research to uncovering conspiracies that keep it in its forbidden state and participation in the Industrial Hemp movement has just begun…